
T.6.4 – Replication of LIFE BeeAdapt model in selected contexts

The strategy for replicability will foresee:

  • the formalization of the commitment of 5 managing bodies/areas where the “pollinators-friendly” protocol can be adopted (Gola della Rossa e di Frasassi Regional Park, Pollino National Park, Alta Murgia National Park, Valle del Ticino Park, Milano Nord Park, Island of Gozo (Malta)); the commitment will result in the formal adoption of the Protocol where managing bodies take responsibility to share the objectives of the project, to support the replication of LIFE BEEadapt model in their managed area, and to participate in a workshop dedicated to this aim;
  • the organization of a 3-day workshop in each area (Roadshow) by engaging key local stakeholders in a participatory working session aimed at drafting a local Agenda (1 in each area) for the implementation of the protocol.

LIFE21-CCA-IT-LIFE BEEadapt/101074591 |
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