
The LIFE BEEadapt project involves 10 actors, with one playing the role of coordinating beneficiary while the other 9 play the role of beneficiaries.

Coordinating beneficiary


Parco nazionale dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano

Established in 2001, the territory of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park covers more than 26,000 hectares between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. Its territory, entirely mountainous, includes four State Nature Reserves and as many as 16 sites belonging to the European Union’s Natura 2000 Network.

Its main purposes are the conservation and enhancement of the natural heritage, the preservation and reconstruction of hydrogeological balances, the promotion of local socio-economic activities and the restoration and enhancement of biodiversity. These are the reasons why the National Park of the Tuscan-Emilian Apenninesare shares the mission of the LIFE BEEadapt project.

Within the LIFE BEEadapt project, the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines National Park plays the role of coordinating beneficiary, taking care of project management and coordination of the activities of the other nine project partners.



Università degli Studi di Camerino

The University of Camerino is one of the oldest universities in Italy. It is a thriving international community that combines excellence in research with a vibrant business culture. The University organizes its academic activities in five Schools: Architecture, Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Law and Social Sciences, and Science and Technology.

The University participates in many international collaborations both within and outside Europe. An example of this is the participation of the University Institute in the LIFE BEEadapt project of which the University is a beneficiary partner, coordinating the work package dedicated to “Design and Implementation of Adaptation Interventions” to develop the Abacus, the Guidelines for the Implementation of Green Infrastructure favor to pollinator adaptation, and the coordination of floristic monitoring of green infrastructure implemented in pilot interventions. In addition, being the manager of the Torricchio State Nature Reserve (one of the target areas of the project), it has a deep knowledge of the Apennine territory and its critical issues, as well as well-established collaborative relationships with local farmers and beekeepers who will be the main protagonists of the project.


Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

The Foundation for Sustainable Development is an authoritative reference point for the main sectors and players in the green economy. Through the production and dissemination of publications, studies and research, and the involvement of institutions and stakeholders, it promotes strategic issues of ecological transition, including the protection and enhancement of natural capital, at the national and international level. In recent years, it has carried out numerous projects related to the knowledge of wild pollinators and the implementation of interventions aimed at their conservation.

Within the LIFE BEEadapt project, the Foundation is a beneficiary partner, responsible for coordinating the monitoring of pollinators in the target areas and for the sustainability, replicability and exploitation of the project results so that the results that will be achieved will persist and generate benefits even after the end of the project and, on the other hand, that the pathway tested in the 5 pilot areas will be replicated and transposed to other contexts, so as to maximize the impact of the project.


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per la BioEconomia

The National Research Council’s Institute for BioEconomy (CNR-IBE) develops strategies for mitigation and adaptation to global change with the sustainable use of natural resources. CNR-IBE’s research lines focus on primary productivity of agro-ecosystems, preservation of plant and animal biodiversity, sustainable use of wood and other biomass, precision agriculture, meteorological modeling, oceanographic, climatological, analysis of environmental sustainability of production processes, and ecosystem services.  The Bioeconomy Institute is strongly engaged in training, communication, development of innovative teaching methodologies and public awareness on issues related to the relationship between the environment, risks, technologies and society, and food security.

As part of the LIFE BEEadapt project, in which CNR-IBE is a beneficiary partner, the National Council is participating with its knowledge and expertise on climate change and its impacts on ecosystems. In particular, in addition to a necessary analysis of current climate changes, it is intended to work on their downscaling to obtain information for each of the target areas proposed by the project partners in the different domains (natural/rural/urban) and to study the impacts on pollinators using a methodology involving the use of ecological niche models.


Confagricoltura Latina

Confagricoltura Latina is a labor organization that aims at entrepreneurial development, technical and scientific progress in the sector, which strongly feels the need for its companies to be equipped with the “know-how” that will enable them to compete in global markets while safeguarding environmental needs. Confagricoltura Latina has two LIFE programs underway, the first LIFE GREENCHANGE, which is nearing completion and with which it has dealt with the issue of biodiversity related to agriculture and the second LIFE BEEadapt, which has just begun and in which the organization is a beneficiary partner. Confagricoltura Latina is participating in the LIFE BEEadapt project with 6 farms with various crop uses, where transects of melliferous floras selected by the University of Camerino and pollinator refuges will be set up.


Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università Roma Tre

The Department of Architecture at Roma Tre University has as its mission to contribute to the innovation and adaptation of the disciplines of architecture while maintaining constant attention to the changes in contemporary society. The Urban Planning area deals in particular with research on climate change, landscape and environmental planning and management of territorial and environmental resources, local development, protection and enhancement of historical heritage and landscape with regard also to the values of new formation and regeneration of degraded territories, processes of involvement of citizens and local actors in planning and multi-level collaborative governance.

As part of the LIFE BEEadapt project, the Department of Architecture is a beneficiary partner, coordinating the work package dedicated to implementing a system of multilevel collaborative governance with the objective of defining models of actions to maximize the response of local realities to available funding and those measures to be activated within the framework of national and regional level planning tools, of which the Department will guide the replicability through the promotion of the Protocol in favor of pollinators.



RomaNatura is the Regional Authority for the Management of the System of Protected Natural Areas in the Municipality of Rome. Created in implementation of Regional Law No. 29 of October 6, 1997 that currently RomaNatura manages more than 16,000 hectares of protected nature that fall entirely within the territory of Rome: 9 Nature Reserves, 2 Regional Parks, 5 Natural Monuments plus a Marine Reserve, the Marine Protected Area of the Shoals of Tor Paterno (1,378 hectares 6 miles offshore between Ostia and Torvaianica).

RomaNatura’s system of parks constitutes a unique experience in the Italian landscape in the management of protected natural areas in urban settings. Many nature reserves preserve the agricultural vocation that makes, to this day, the City of Rome the leading agricultural municipality in Italy. The richness of the territory managed by the Authority is immense: archaeological pre-existences, monuments, villas and farmhouses represent only a part of its value, whose real treasure is represented by ecological niches that count the presence of more than 1,000 plant species, 5,000 species of insects and another 150 species among mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles. Such variety in a heavily anthropized area is a clear sign that the Roman territory is still capable of supporting rich and well-diversified ecological communities.

Due to its distribution and variety of natural and man-made landscapes, the territory of the RomaNatura Parks System lends itself well to the aims of the LIFE BEEadapt project, of which the Authority is a beneficiary partner, by monitoring the communities of pollinating insects present and relating them to the floristic variety, as well as to the management of the agricultural landscape. Specifically, the following are planned: monitoring activities both to understand how ecosystems respond to climate change and land management; and to understand the impact of agricultural activities on the status and degree of biodiversity; the creation of ‘green’ infrastructure to benefit the resilience of the territories involved; and the implementation of citizen science campaigns with particular attention to the target audience of students and teachers.



Circular and civil economy, energy saving and efficiency, use of clean and renewable energy sources, fight against pollution and climate crisis, enhancement and protection of biodiversity, natural areas and the environment in which we live, improvement of the urban ecosystem, active citizenship and volunteering, social inclusion and protection of the commons, fight against ecomafia and illegality, are some of the areas in which Legambiente realizes its vision, in all its initiatives at the national, European and international level. And it is precisely at the European level that Legambiente’s presence as a true brand ambassador of biodiversity is central, which is why its support for the LIFE BEEadapt project could not be missed. Related to the LIFE BEEadapt project, Legambiente is a beneficiary partner and coordinates online and offline communication through press office, social and web activities with the aim of explaining the objectives of the project and raising awareness of its value and mission. With this activity, Legambiente will also contribute to the dissemination, replicability, and exploitation of the results achieved with the project so that they will persist and generate benefits even after its completion.


Comune di Aprilia

Aprilia was born as a large agricultural municipality, with a large territory (it has an extension of about 178 Km2) that over time has seen important modifications related to the establishment of industries, which began with the Cassa del Mezzogiorno, and, consequently, to the illegal building that has invested the agricultural territory in a widespread manner. It is an area rich in natural resources and significant potential to be the protagonist of an ecological transition of the production and economic system, no longer postponable.

Under the LIFE BEEadapt project, the municipality plays the role of beneficiary partner, experimenting with environmental and ecosystem upgrading in an environment of urban sprawl, where extensive urban agglomerations are contiguous and coexist with territories capable of qualitatively and quantitatively significant agricultural production.


U-Space Srl

U-Space is an engineering company with a broad and diverse experience gained over the course of numerous EU-funded projects, particularly in the areas of ecosystem services assessment; promotion of multiscale collaborative governance tools; design and implementation of geographic information systems and webGIS; and project monitoring.

As part of the LIFE BEEadapt project, U-Space as a beneficiary partner is responsible for the creation of the geographic database; mapping and assessment of some pollinator-related ecosystem services (pollination, agricultural production, habitat quality); promotion of covenants for “favorable” climate adaptation to them; and replication of the LIFE BEEadapt model in other specific contexts. In addition, it will coordinate the activities planned for the assessment of environmental conditions and socio-economic impacts on the territories involved, as well as monitoring the progress and results of the project.

LIFE21-CCA-IT-LIFE BEEadapt/101074591 |
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