
T.2.1 – Communication strategy and materials

The task includes the following activities:

  1. Coordination of project communication activities and Production of a Communication plan including the project corporate identity.
  2. Media activities: at least 15 press releases during the whole project duration; starting press event; conclusive press event for the final conference.
  3. Web-based communication: project website and social media profiles. The website (in Italian and English) will be designed and managed by US. It will be realized within the first quarter of the first year and include a quarterly newsletter and a virtual tour of the project sites and short videos (‘pills’) on project topics.
  4. Communication kit: Brochures (6.000 printed); Postcards in Italian (10.000 printed); Posters in Italian and English (1 for each partner); Roll-ups (10 units); Gadgets (8000 units); infographics; Notice boards to be displayed at the partner sites (1 for each partner) and in the intervention areas (2 in each area); Layman’s Report.
LIFE21-CCA-IT-LIFE BEEadapt/101074591 |
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